Thursday, July 29, 2010

Today also Nifty closes below the Agni level

Today(29-7-10)Nifty opened at 5382 with a loss of 16 points, moved in the narrow range 5382 - 5416 and closed at 5409 with a gain of 11 points. Nifty futures range was 5383 - 5415, a difference of 32 points only which is very rare in a F& O settlement day. Being an exceptional Friday, Nifty may move upwards tomorrow above the Agni level (5403). But, avoid holding longs at the close of the day as there are double conjunctions and formation of 45°, 135° & 180° between planets and the Sun on 31st July and 1st August that may severely affect the market next week.

Please see the chart below. Moon conjuncts with Jupiter in Pisces and Mars conjuncts with Saturn in Virgo. Mars & Saturn forms 180° with Moon & Jupiter ie. they are exactly opposite when viewed from the Earth. And Venus is very close to Saturn & Mars. Sun and Mars&Saturn forms 45° and Sun and Jupiter&Moon forms 135°.

1 comment:

Sandip Pal said...

You are right we are going down this week!