Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Nifty during July 2018

RSI :Besides other technical details, for Nandi RSI is the percentage of buyers in the market at a given time. All buyers or all sellers (RSI 100 or O) is not at all practical, since there must be some one to sell for any body to buy. Therefore, whenever RSI increases to 85-95 market slows down and early buyers turns sellers and market corrects. Similarly when RSI decreases to 15-5 early sellers turns buyers and market recovers. So, take advantage on both of these occasions by watching RSI.

1 comment:

Nandi said...

Welcome Mr.Giriraj Asar,
Most of the people who enters stock market looses their hard earned money. In the beginning small loses are OK(can be considered as fee paid for learning), but heavy loses scare them away. To avoid or minimise such happenings there must be some one to guide them. "vipanisangeethem" is trying to fill that role without anticipating anything from them. But, they must be ready to read and learn. There is an old Chinese saying " If you give fish to someone it is for that day only. And if you teach them how to catch fish it is for a life time". Vipanisangeetham has chosen the last method.

Best Wishes to all