As on 1st June 2013 Sun & Mars in Taurus, Jupiter, Venus & Mercury in Gemini, Saturn & Rahu in Libra, Moon in Aquarius and Ketu in Aries. Planetary transits in June 2013 are 15th Sun -> Gemini and 22nd Venus -> Cancer.

The planetary positions given are at the time of sunrise in India(Kerala) and conjunction effects on markets may be seen on the countries (Asia or Europe or US) over which conjunction take places. As per above Nifty may move upwards on 10th and downwards on 11th & 19th/20th.
Hello Nandi,
Hope you are doing well. Could you do a write up on SP500 or DOW Jones?
Dear Idris,
Hope you are also doing fine. A simple google search will give all you want about SP500 or DOW Jones. Then why bother Nandi ? As Nandi is nothing to do with both of them, please excuse me.
Dear Nandi,
I was hoping you could show me how to apply the Carnatic Music scales to DOW/SP500.
Dear Idris,
Carnatic music base number is 256 and other figures are derived from that only. WD Gann takes 512 (256 x 2) as base figure. It's 8x8x8 ie. a cube with eight units length,width and hight. So, go for Franklin square order eight and imagine eight such squares upwards and try to map SP500 on it (DOW's figures are very large and hence difficult to map it unless you find a formula to reduce it).
Remember, failures are the stepping stones for success. Best wishes
I wonder if it is a
Agni ?????? 5839 - "typographical error ??????"
Dear Lalit,
Agni level for tomorrow is at 5839 itself. Today it was 5830 only. Hence Agni level started to move up and a temporary up move in Nifty is possible, though every thing looks otherwise.
Dear Nandi,
I did google and read about the Franklin Square Order.
is this the correct layout ?
I'm trying to figure out what you mean by ...imagine eight such squares upwards and try to map SP500 ?
truly appreciate your responses
Thank you - Idris
Hello Nandi,
Hope everything is great in your side. I have an another question after long time :) If by chance Agni levels for two days is same, how should we infer that data.. for ex today's AGNI was 5686 and developing AGNI for tomorrow is also 5686??? though we had an upmove of more than 100+ points...?
Many thanks
Dear Guru,
That just means the downward move of Nifty paused and is likely to be reversed. Nothing more.
your excellent sir. You have excellent Sir, you daivansasambutulu Sir, Sir, God is on your side so you will be down to what the market is down. What is on the increase. Sir you to get the market up and down, giving exact dates to be, that God is giving you, weath and health. thanking you sir.
My name is Sharada Bai from Andhra pradesh. sir please give me market up and down date or send send me my mail. sharada2327@gmail.com.
thanking you sir.
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