As on 1st May 2013 Sun, Venus, Mars, Mercury & Ketu in Aries, Jupiter in Taurus, Saturn & Rahu in Libra, Moon in Sagitarius. Planetary transits in May 2013 are 4th Venus -> Taurus ,13th Mercury -> Taurus, 15th Sun -> Taurus, 23rd Mars -> Taurus, 27th Mercury -> Gemini, 29th Venus -> Gemini and 31st Jupiter-> Gemini.

The planetary positions given are at the time of sunrise in India(Kerala) and conjunction effects on markets may be seen on the countries (Asia or Europe or US) over which conjunction take places. It may effect Nifty on that day if the difference is less than 5 degrees and next day otherwise. As per above Nifty may move downwards on 10th & 23rd. All other conjunction dates are on non-trading days. The planets starts drifting away from Ketu from 4th onwards and the ill effects gets reduced. Historically stock markets will be on top when Sun is at its high ie. Aries and at low when Sun is in Libra. That's why the popular adage "Sell in May and Go Away".
'Sell In May And Go Away' : A well-known trading adage that warns investors to sell their stock holdings in May to avoid a seasonal decline in equity markets. The "sell in May and go away" strategy is that an investor who sells his or her stock holdings in May and gets back into the equity market in November - thereby avoiding the typically volatile May-October period - would be much better off than an investor who stays in equities throughout the year.
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