On Friday(8-3-13) Nifty closed at 5946 ie. at centre of P(5952). Nifty and Nifty futures ranges were 5883 - 5953 and 5901 - 5982 respectively. Nifty may start its down move probably on Monday evening or Tuesday morning.
See the Agni level movements for the last two weeks

Sir, How to calculate C5 AND AGNI from the data. I could understand all others. Thanks
Dear SN,
Enter the daily Nifty closing figure(column C) . Other figures for the day will be updated automatically. Agni level is the figure when imputed, C5B( Column G) becomes Zero or green. So you have to impute figures in the next days's Nifty closing column so that above condition becomes true - that figure is the Agni level for next day. Hope it is clear.
Best wishes.
Why do u say Nifty should start down move...reasons
Dear Jonak,
It has been observed that in 8 occassions out of 10 the market had a negative impact on days Moon conjucts with Venus or Mars. Moon conjucts with Venus and Mars today and tomorrow respectively.
Nandi Sir, where can i download the excel file for updating nifty close figures ? Pl advise. Thanks.
Dear SN,
Nifty closing figures for any period is available in NSE site. Plese move through Equity(under Market reports) -> Historical Index data and input required period. Data can be copied and pasted to excel sheet.
For short term , Moon con venus/Mars is OK. Whether any thing you have observed Moon conj with saturn /Kethu or aspectof saturn on MOON
For Medium term what planets we have to see and their movements and stars/rasis
SN and my requirement is to get the excell files with inbuild formula so that @ the end of day putting close figure the other values automatically can be generated. The copy and paste mode the formula (taken from the sheet published ) is not working and my own formula is giving differences . Please if possible separately publish for the use of all
The value of soma/suriya may also be published
Dear Bala,
Short term/Medium term/long terms etc. does not convey any thing or it conveys different things to different people. So avoid that terms and make it clear. If it is related with nature ie. 1 month, 1 year, 18 months, 4/8/12 years it would be better.
Kindicator13 file has been uploaded and available at http://www.4shared.com/office/87cIm_Y_/KIndicator13.html?
Hope it will benefit many of you
What I meant is the word may be wrongly inferred. Since you are a well known to all about your knowledge, What I had asked exactly what you have mentioned
Sun and Moon -1month cycle- Is sun in different rasis what will be the impact of Moon with venus and Mars
Then One year(jupitor ) or Mars 45 days cycle or Raghu/Keth 18
months and saturn 30 months like on
Some years back You have written about Rafghu Keth cycle and JUne 2013 will be the turning point to stock market like that for one of the comments.
If time permits show some light on all these cycles. I have read some thing in astro cycle .net about various cycles but not able to understand very deeply since he blog owner not responded to my quries . Thanks
Dear All,
Good morning!!
It is nice to see participation is increasing and I sincerely hope it benefits to all the wonderful work of Mr.Nandi, Also pay attention to important stages mentioned in file. yday high Ns 5952;Imp level downside is 5888. It has been observed that in mid of series or nr astrological events it gyrates a lot betn two imp stages/ levels
Levels to watch 5824-5888-5952..
New comers to system pls pay attention to these levels along with AGNI,4DMA &10 EMA..
Yday closed below 4dma @ 5916 and today till time above 10 EMA which is @ 5862.86
Happy Trading & Best regards,
Dear Bala,
Yes, Bala you have captured it instantly. As per our view ST/MT/LT does not mean any thing to investors. What we are looking is cycles, 8 year cycles 1992(Nifty down to 691 from 1281), 2000(Nifty down to 1136 from 1756) and 2008(Nifty down to 2524 from 6288)- all closing figures. So, all present and future investments should be exited at the beginning of 2016. There are half cylces also which falls in every leap years and 2012 was one of them when Nifty moved down to 4770 from 5965. A search on Hurst cycles will through some light on such cycles and 80 week cycle is one of them which corelates to changing rasis of Rahu/Ketu.
Really a scientific research for atleast 10 years by a team of astro influence believers is required to enearh many of it. Nandi's observations were too short to make definite opinions, except the monthly one what he is doing.
Regards and Best wishes
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