Monday, March 1, 2010

Yesterday's post - thoughts exposed.

The planetary positions on 1st March 2008 and 1st March 2010 are given in the charts with the Moon's conjunction dates with Jupiter,Mercury,Venus and Mars. Mars' retrograde was over before March in 2008 where as this year it will be over by 9th March only. The earth quakes appearing in various parts of the world may be due to the positioning of three planets&Sun in one place and Saturn&Moon around 180 degrees from that position. Full Moon appears when Sun and Moon creates 180 degrees angle from Earth. It may influence markets also. Let us wait for two weeks to check it.


Ashutosh Agarwal said...

You mean to say market will fall drastically on 9th and after.

Ashutosh Agarwal

Nandi said...

Not saying anything, Just gazing the sky and wondering. Please read yesterday post and disclaimer also.