The following words from the Indian epic Bhaghvat Gita can be termed as the base of AVTAR.
Yada yada hi dharmasya
Glanir bhavati bharata
Abhyutthanam adharmasya
Tadatmanam srjamy aham
~ Bhagavad Gita (Chapter IV-7)
yada: whenever, yada: wherever, hi: certainly, dharmasya: of justice, glanih: depreciation, bhavati: manifested, becomes, bharata: O country (Bharat/universe), abhyutthanam: lift or reclaim, adharmasya: of injustice, tada: at that time, atmanam: self, srjami: manifest(avtarise = verbe of Avtarഅവതരിക്കുക), aham: I.
"Whenever the balance of the universe is disrupted and injustice prevail, then I Avtarise(manifest) Myself there, for the restoration of justice and universal harmony."
AVTAR is not reincarnation. For reincarnation one's death is essential, not in Avtar.
The 9 avtars of Lord Vishnu so far are Matsya (fish), Kurma (tortoise), Varaha (boar), Narasimha (half-man, half-lion), Vamana (dwarf man), Parshurama (man with an axe/vengeance), Rama (model man), Balrama(man with anger) and Krishna (practical man) respectively. The tenth avtar, Kalki is yet to manifest. It may be noted that the sequence of avatars is same as the sequence of the Origin of Species by Charles Darvin
* Matsya, The Fish(lives in water)
* Kurma, The Tortoise(lives in water and land)
* Varaha, The Boar(animal lives in land)
* Narasimha, The Man-Lion (Nara = man, simha = lion)
* Vamana, The Dwarf man
* Parashurama, the man with an axe/vengeance
* Rama, Prince and king of Ayodhya and the Modal Man
* Balrama, The elder brother of Lord Krishna
* Krishna, The Practical King who gave us the most valuable "Bhagvat Gita"
* Kalki, The Destroyer of foulness - will be emitting fire from the sky
The James Cameron's Hollywood block buster 3D film "AVTAR" has taken its title and concept from India. Before death itself hero of the film Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) manifests him selves in another form - a blue skinned humanoid living in the planet Pandora. Lord Vishnu's earlier Avtar's life span was very minimal. But, later in the case of Sri Rama and Sri Krishna they lived in the earth many years. At the same time Lord Vishu was discharging his duty of maintenance of the universe from his abode Vaikundam. Pandora inhabitants' color is blue as of Sri Krishna and are living in harmony with nature(communication method with nature is fascinating). Their world is the greenest, we cannot think of. Their vehicles (flying dragons)are adapted to zero pollution standards and does not use depleting energy sources. Indian Gods were depicted as using same type of vehicles ie. Lord Vishu - Garuda (eagle), Lord Subrahmanya - Pea Cock, Lord Shiva - Nandi ( bull) etc. A tail is also not a strange thing, Lord Hanuman, one of the Avtars of Lord Shiva is having a tail. The race/language name "Na`vi" used in the film is also Indian which means "new", example: Navi Mumbai.