Thursday, September 30, 2010

Extreme volatility on Ayodhya case verdict day

Today(30-9-10), the day of Ayodhya case verdict, Nifty exhibited high volatility till the closing time. Nifty opened at 5985 with a loss of 6 points, moved in the range 5964 - 6004 mostly in the negative territory up to 2.30 p.m., speedy & powerful up move of 84 points thereafter which catapulted Nifty to 6048 and closing at 6030 (same as day before yesterday)with a gain of 39 points. Nifty high was in between Agni level(6040)and Surya level(6052). Nifty futures range was 5963 -> 6035, having a difference of 72 points which is exactly divisible by 8. What caused such a strong up move after 2.30 p.m. today? The answers may be many such as
1. Writers of Nifty 6000 put which was heavy in volume wanted to save their position.
2. FIIs and Mutual Funds wanted to report a good NAV at the close of this quarter.
3. Traders who had shorted was forced to cover their positions.
4. Positions of European markets started to improve.
5. Exceptional Friday effect advanced for one day to lift the index?
6. FIIs/DIIs didn't mind the Ayodhya case verdict.
What ever may be the reasons, it was really impressive, even though not unexpected.
Waiting for tomorrow to see whether Exceptional Friday effect is there or not. Tomorrow's Agni level is at 6037.


GANESH PL said...

Nandi sir,

Agni level for to look the trade direction above or below levels, But i have doubt LOW(soma) & HIGH(soorya) levels, what to look at those two points... Thanks

Nandi said...

Dear Ganesh,
If you are a positional futures trader, when ever Nifty is above Agni level go long. If Nifty is below Agni level go short. Soma & Surya levels indicate the probable low and high for the day.
Wish you a happy sail.

GANESH PL said...

Thanks Nandi sir,....

BALA said...

Exceptional Friday effect-boomarranged-In the planetary set up -one thing consistntlyJupitor is playing whenever a monor bearish thing comes by saturn nature-I expected to day otherwise exeptional friday with bearish out look. GOD is supreme.With Jupitor verdit also -no problem for the time being

BALA said...

Respected Nandi Sir

Whether the Nifty future difference between the low/high of any day is eactly divisioble by 8. and if so what is the significance of No 8.
In the music scale , whether it all starting points or ending points
Whether sudha dev. 6355 is staring point nifty will touch ?

Soma/suriya level will change according to the phase of the Moon ?

From shadajam (s1 )to shadjam (s2) will it possible to send/post the detailed excell sheets of music scales ( not hourly sheets daily published ) but what are the levels of sa,.ni da,pa ( because it itself sub divide as a seen-one broad to sub , and sub,) starting from 5955 to 6355 (-panchamam to sudha devatham )-always in the 5and half -maximum or any toher picth of lower - or for each any different scale.Please dont mistake me , I am not an expert in the music and scales -because of curiosit I am asking the children who are studying the music about all this and learning to co- relate with your postings.

For example piviot table , fibnoice, camrilla etc etc , there are definite formulas are there .Like that in that how to arrive

Nandi said...

Dear Bala,
Boomerang does not apply here. Exceptional Friday effect is always up to the tune of 50 to 100 points. It can never be in the downward direction. The doubt was whether yesterdays 84 points up move in the last one hour was inclusive of today's Exceptional Friday effect.
The answer was clear and loud today - a big "NO".