Sunday, March 29, 2009

Upward space limited

There is no change in the view expressed in the last post dated 26th March 2009. Let us see whether Nifty is able to cross Sudha Daivatham (3263)or not. As %k of slow stochastic value is at 96, upward space is very limited and possibility of downward move is more. As usual exit longs when Nifty touches Agni level (confirmation only after crossing of 8 points).

Last Friday(27th March 2009) also difference between high and low of Nifty futures rounded off to nearest rupee was divisible by 8 and 16. The figures were 3140 - 3060 = 80 which divided by 16 gives exact 5. (Divided by 8 gives 10). Feed back on this is yet to be received. May be observation is still going on.


abhishek said...

Dear balanandan Sir,

Thanks for your quick are doing selfless work.

I will try to understand-learn the method.If any problem will contact you & am sure
as a your student you will help me to learn the same.ensofl

Thanks Ones again.


Nandi said...

Dear Abhishek,
You should not be Nandi's student. You should be the student of nature and its intricate methods. Every mind in the universe is part of the Universal mind. Only problem is, when we start to learn we create yard sticks to measure every thing in nature using "human logic". Gradually we loose contact with Universal mind. Only children and enlightened Rishis is now having that contact. That's why when tsunami came animals and birds knew it before hand and we fell victim to it. Reports from China shows that rodents come out of burrows and gather in open fields before earth quake strikes that area. Extend "I" both ways (up and down) infinitely. It will become a circle with a radiums of infinite length. That is the relation with our "I" s and Universal mind. Music is another way to reach Universal mind. Saint Thyagaraja other great musicians have proved it. Universal mind has all the knowledge pooled in it. Stock market is just one of it.