While trading intra day in Nifty and Mini Nifty, Nandi finds that AGNI BREAKS OPEN PREMIUM Manthra is very helpful to decide upon whether to BUY or SELL.
AGNI – The Agni level being given in vipanisangeetham. If Nifty is above the Agni level, then it is positive. Otherwise negative.
BREAKS – It was earlier explained under the title “Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya”.
For the convenience of new visitors it is explained again.
At the opening of market (9.00 a.m.), 9.10 a.m, 9.30 a.m. and every half an hour there after or whenever there is large swing in the Nifty, note down the maximum and minimum in the Nifty futures(50). Check whether the upper or lower figure is BREAKING. If upper figure is breaking then it is positive and negative otherwise. After reaching a high or low Nifty may retrace. If the retracement is more than 20 points take the reverse of the last sign.
OPEN – It is the opening figure of Nifty futures(50). If Nifty futures is trading above the opening figure it is positive. Otherwise it is negative.
PREMIUM – It is the difference between Nifty futures(50) and Nifty Spot. If Nifty is trading above the spot it is in PREMIUM and hence positive. If Nifty is trading in discount it is negative.
The following deductions can be arrived at from the above four indicators.
A. All four positive - the market is bullish and hence go long
B. All four negative – the market is bearish and hence go short.
C. Three positives and one negative – Net positive and hence go long
D. Three negatives and one positive – Net negative and hence go short.
E. Two positives and two negatives – Market is indecisive and hence wait till trend is clear.
This method may be suitable to you or may not be. Observe yourself for a few days and if it suits to you, start trading in Mini Nifty(20) and increase the volume later on. Wish you a safe sail.